I am looking forward to a summer of research, writing, teaching, body boarding, cycling, hiking, gardening and playing with technology.
This summer I am giving a presentation at the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) International Conference:
Regular Session (30 minutes):An Open
Invitation: Creating Universal Access with YouTube Videos Track: Track 1:
Innovations in Online Teaching and Learning Presenters: Dale Ireland
Using technology to foster universal
access in online classrooms allows students access to the curriculum, to one
another and to the instructor. YouTube videos offer unique opportunities, while
also posing distinct challenges because the videos are rarely created with
universal access in mind. This session explores how to use such videos, ensuring
that they are universally accessible, so that students have greater access to
one another, the curriculum and the instructor. <http://mic09.merlot.org/program/index.php?sort=date&date=2009-08-15>
I will be finishing two book reviews, one article and several conference papers this summer. My summer will keep me close to Samuel Johnson and eighteenth-century Peru. I will spend one week in New Hampshire with my sister and her family, which should put a skip into my step.
I am looking forward to my summer classes and the joys that come with summer teaching: warm weather and fresh summer fruit during class breaks, at which I have a chance to chat with students about their other classes, work, families and communities.
Ah, summer!
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